Sunday, August 24, 2014

Schedule August 25-29

**Click HERE for a "Foundations" Study Overview**

Monday, August 25                                                                                                  

1.  ACT-style quiz over At Home reading
2.  Lecture:  Intro to the Neolithic Age
3.  Complete Chart comparing Paleolithic and Neolithic eras

Homework:  You will be having TWO things to do by Thursday:
  1. Complete summer reading vocabulary quiz in Schoology.  There are flashcards on Quizlet to help you. You can take the quiz up to 5 times and I will take the highest score.
  2. You need to go over to AP World History Plus Art and read through the chapters in the Foundations section.  This will give you a good overview of the unit plus introduce you to some art that might appear on the AP test.  You can do one of two things:
                a. Complete the webquest on paper (you'll need to print it out)  OR
                b. Take notes on paper

(Hint: On that website there is a practice vocabulary quiz and a content quiz.  It'll be a good idea to go through those quizzes to see how you do (nudge, nudge, hint, hint)

You will have a short reading quiz over this on Thursday in class.  You will be able to use your notes or the webquest on the quiz.

Tuesday, August 26                                                                                                 

1.  Set up Google Drive and Chrome on iPad
2. Lecture:  Mesopotamia and Egypt.  Over these next two days, you will need to take notes on the civilizations.  On  Thursday, we will put it all together and complete some comparison charts.

Click here for a .pdf of the powerpoint lecture.

Wednesday, August 27                                                                                            

Lecture:  India and China.  Take notes.

Thursday, August 28                                                                                              

Wrap up lectures.  Complete activity to pull examples from these civilizations for the characteristics of civilizations

Friday, August 29                                                                                                   

1.  Reading quiz over the "Foundations" sections of AP World History Plus Art.  This quiz will be done in class and on paper.
2. Review for Foundations test by examining "change over time" with these civilizations.

Monday, September 1                                                                                                  

NO SCHOOL!   But.....

Tonight, I will be in the Chat room starting at about 8:30 if anyone wants to join in the study session.  I will go over questions, concepts and give some hints and clues. 

To log onto the chat, you will need to enter your name in the following format:  "first.last"  Your password is your ID number.  

Tuesday, September 2                                                                                                  

Test over Foundations.

You need to start reading the textbook. We are starting with Chapter 4, "Eurasian Empires."  You need to take notes on the reading, as we will be having a reading quiz in class next Monday.  You will be able to use your notes on the reading quiz.  This reading is 55 pages long---so you will need to pace yourselves---about 7-8 pages a night if you are to do a little each night.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Discussion Question for Art.....

We have talked today about the origin or art.  Yesterday we discussed allusions.  The author of What is Art? states that:
Many philosophers have argued that art serves no function,
that it exists for its own sake. Some have asserted that
the essence of art transcends the human occupation with
usefulness. Others have held that in trying to analyze art too
closely, one loses sight of its beauty and wonderment.

Think about that quote and this question:

What is the purpose of art and what does art do for the study of history?

In the comment section of his post, respond to that question.  In your response, be sure to use examples from lecture and readings.  Your response should be several sentences and contain at least one example from what we have discussed in class and/or from readings.

You have until Monday (12 noon)  to respond.

Click on the link below by my name to comment. Or, click on the title of this post to open in a new window.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Schedule, August 20-22

Wednesday, August 20

Welcome back!  Today, we will be discussing the course and taking care of essential business.

1.  Seating Chart
2.  Discuss APWH; Go over Course Objective and Syllabus and Unit 1 & 2 Overview
3.  Complete Student information sheet

Homework:  Read the article What is Art?  There are discussion questions.  You do not need to answer those questions, but will be required to participate in a discussion on Friday.

Tomorrow, you will have a quiz over the regions map from the summer reading packet.  Remember these maps?  Know them for tomorrow.

Thursday, August 21

1.  Quiz over the Regions map
2.  Lecture:  The Impact of Art and History on Pop Culture.  This activity will examine the importance of knowing history and art to understand the modern world around us.  Here is an activity sheet for the day.

Friday, August 22

1. Discussion:  What is Art?
2. Lecture: Paleolithic Art

Read, "At Home" by Bill Bryson.  I will give you a physical copy of this reading.  You will have a short ACT-Style quiz over this reading on Monday. You will be able to use the physical copy of the reading for the quiz.

Next Friday: TEST over the the summer Foundations packet plus a Vocabulary quiz!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-15 School Year!

Welcome to the website for Mr. Janu's AP World History Class.  This website will be the epicenter for the class.  All assignments will be posted here as well as a weekly schedule.  In addition, links to the textbook are also available as well as on-line study aids and a chat room we will use to help study for exams.

I look forward to meeting you!