Here are some more materials:
APWH Unit 4 Key Concepts Charts and Information
The Freedman-pedia has AWESOME review information for the Unit 4
You can download the Freedman-pedia review charts below:
Unit 4: Key Concepts Review Charts
Also, there will be about 10 questions from Unit 2: The Classical Age on this test as well. It will be good to go over some things from that unit, too.
Unit 2: Key Concepts
In particular, know about:
Han, Qin dynasties
Mauryan Empire
Rome---comparisons with Han
Classical Era trade routes
Similarities in types of rule among Classical Empires
Also, there is a new Crash Course video about the Mughals Empire! It's from Crash Course World History 2. You'll be watching all of these as review for the final exam! But, since this test has the Mughals on it, it may be a good idea to watch it now: