Monday, February 23, 2015

Schedule February 23-27

Last week, we worked on a timeline activity.  This is important for not just this unit, but as we go forward.  Therefore, you will need to take this quiz on your own.  You can take it up to 7 times with the highest score being recorded.  This quiz will be due by March 20.

Monday, February 23

Lecture:  The Age of Enlightenment and Revolution.  Click here for the notesheet.

Tuesday, February 24

1.  Reading Quiz:  Chapter 17
2.  Lecture:  The French Revolution, beginnings.

You need to start reading Chapter 18.  That quiz will be next Wednesday, March 4.

Wednesday, February 25

Lecture:  The French Revolution

Thursday, February 26

ACT Benchmark Day!

Friday, February 27

Lecture:  Haitian and Latin American Revolutions.

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